

Natural Death Salon
Fragile The event explores works of art that can be linked to dying, death and loss. With talks by Ursula Deniflee and Renée Pfister


 Natural Death Salon:
The event explores works of art that can be
linked to dying, death and loss.
With talks by Ursula Deniflee and Renée Pfister
Friday 19 February 2016
6.30 pm for 7.00 pm start, ending 9.30pm
London NW2 6AA
Near Willesden Green Underground Station
£15 /£12 students/over 60 (pre-booking only)
For a personal invitation please email Josefine on [email protected] briefly sharing what your interest in this gathering is.
A small buffet and a glass of wine or juice will be provided during the break.
Since the dawn of civilisation societies have been gripped by all things relating to death and the afterlife, for instance the Egyptians, the Mayans, the Vikings, the Parsons and the Victorians. Cults, concepts and rituals have evolved and been followed throughout mankind’s history.

We continue to be curious about what might take place after death, what happens to ‘me’ – one might say, my soul or my spirit – when I die? In spite of advanced technology and scientific knowledge, fundamental questions about natural transience have not been resolved and more than likely continue to remain a mystery!?

In time Death will touch our life, perhaps suddenly, perhaps through illness and a longer process of dying or by just getting old. We all face death, our own or those of people close to us. Death is part of life - this reality is not easy to come to terms with, or in Freud’s words: ‘…in the unconscious every one of us is convinced of his own immortality’. (The Interpretation of Dreams, 1900)

This Salon provides an opportunity to be introduced to visual art projects we found relevant to support an exploration of being mortal beings. We hope you might be touched by Art and inspired by the links Renee and Ursula make to the theme of the evening – dying, death and loss. 

What is a Salon? 
The great European tradition of Salons originated in Italy in the 16th Century. Salons became fashionable in France during the 17th, 18th and 19th Century when women invited artists and philosophers for discussion and exchange of ideas to their ‘Salon’ (large reception room) in their home. The Natural Death Salon offers the chance to talk about death and related topics in the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere of Josefine’s spacious living room.

Ursula Deniflee is an integrative psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and Biodynamic massage therapist. She studied with Gerda Boyesen in London in the 80ties and holds an MA in psychoanalytic studies. Over the years she has developed many interests; she published articles and interviews on contemporary art in MAKE and furtherfield, and organises events and art exhibitions. She maintains a private practise in Central London.

Renée Pfister – her esteemed and longstanding career as a consultant, curator, registrar and business development manager in the museums- and art world spans over twenty years. She worked with the British Museum and the Tate Gallery, London; the Museum of Modern Art, New York and wrote a chapter for the Routledge publication on art market related issues. In addition she teaches at City University, Lancaster University, SAF and Sotheby’s Institute of Art.

Josefine Speyer is the host of the Natural Death Salons. She is a psychotherapist  and clinical supervisor with a special interest in grief and loss. She is a co-founder of the Natural Death Centre (1991), a co-editor of the Natural Death Handbook (2003), and a contributor to the Natural Death Handbook (2012). She offers death education workshops and talks, death groups and bereavement groups, and has hosted Salons at her home for many years as part of the NDC’s educational program.
For further information about the event contact [email protected]