
The Joy of What We Do #14


Prior transport and installation, risk assessments, and method statements must be in place to ensure the welfare of staff, the public, and the artworks. Risk assessments look at the control of risks to people and how these are controlled, whereas method statements demonstrate each step of the action to achieve the planned outcome securely. These documents must be prepared by a qualified technician and signed off on by an authorised person.
Naturally, there are further considerations, such as transport methods, road closures, parking restrictions, street and building access, the weight of the sculptures, its centre of gravity, and  floor loads, along with the necessary equipment, tools, and working load limits to move these objects into the exhibition spaces. Site visits are therefore recommendable, to gather valuable information at the artist’s studio and venue, to prevent any unexpected surprises. Understanding the nature of materials used, conservation, and display requirements are additional factors to be taken into account. Documenting and recording this valuable data will benefit future installations. 

Courtesy of Barford Sculptures Ltd and MTEC and ©Renée Pfister (text and image).

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