
The Joy of What We Do #17

Curating and installing a part or an entire private collection in the owner’s residence is a rewarding experience. However, the home of the collector could not vary more compared to an exhibition space in a  museum or an art gallery. Even though when overseeing the hang of the collection, the client may request a different area or room for particular artworks, which can cause tension. What is the best way forward? 
From my experience, the proposal should always offer several options, which will be discussed with the client. This is an opportunity to explain curatorial intentions,  collection care and technical matters. Nevertheless, sometimes the client still disagrees, and their preferences must be accommodated; after all, it is the client’s home. I only oppose firmly when the artworks are at risk, for example, high exposure to light or heat.  Solutions are put forward to rectify those conditions, be either an alternative display area, installing blinds, curtains or using light block film for windows.
A few years ago, one of my patrons requested a suite of stunning drawings to be installed in the master bathroom, my heart cringed, and I rejected the demand. Luckily, after explaining the damage it would cause to these illustrations, my advice was followed, and the artworks were instated in a different part of the domicile.  Detailed preparations and site-visits must be carried out, avoiding unforeseen surprises. Often large and heavy paintings are installed in staircases, as the image demonstrates. It is therefore necessary to have risk assessments and method statements in place, as well a ensuring the stability of the walls and having the appropriate equipment on site. 
©Renée Pfister Art & Gallery Consultancy London, 2020. Due to international privacy laws, we are unable to present images of the artworks. 
#artforever #thepowerofart #thejoyofwhatwedo #curatingprivatecollections #curatedcollections #reneepfisterartconsultancy #privateresidence #collectorshome

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