
The Power of Art #93 Bongsu Park 'Dream Auction'


Park is fascinated by human dreaming - not in the sense of dream analysis or dream reading. Her approach involves  intimate group discussions, where these experiences are shared beyond personal circumstances and backgrounds.   

Park’s attraction with dreams stems from the tradition of Korean dream auctions. She prints dreams of her workshop participant or her own dreams on customary scrolls. These recorded dreamscapes can be acquired and given to a family member, relative, or friend as a gift or good luck token. The significance is placed in the symbolic and emotional exchange between two individuals caring for each other.   Alternatively, the purchased dream can be kept by its new owner for enjoyment or assistance; the dream scrolls can be resold in the future. 


Dream Scroll #211116DAI_GBI

The written dream text is:
I found myself in a beautiful field, packed with red poppies, 
there was a light breeze, and the sky was deep blue.
While walking, I spotted a rocking chair moving backwards and forwards.
The rocking chair was empty, and from there the biggest rainbow started and curved through the sky.

This dream was contributed by Giorgia Parodi Brown, 16th November 2021, for the Dream Auction project, by Bongsu Park. This project facilitated the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.


Image: Dream Scroll #211116DAI_GBI , Japanese handmade silk roll, H1100 mm x W350 mm.

Courtesy and ©Bongsu Park, Giorgia Parodi Brown and Renée Pfister Art & Gallery Consultancy.


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